An Ideal investment that gives maximum returns on your savings
Get a savings certificate that offers attractive interest for your savings today. Save more and get more benefits
- Future interest to your hand
- Guaranteed face value at maturity
- Offering the highest interest rate in the market
- Ability to nominate a beneficiary/beneficiaries for subsequent transfer of the account
- UPay Mobile App Service
- Ability to decide the investment amount based on your requirement
- A SDB savings account can be opened by any Sri Lankan citizen over the age of 18
- A minimum initial deposit of Rs. 25,000/=
Required Documentation
- A duly filled account opening application
- Copy of the national identity card / passport / driver’s license for identification
- Address verification document (i.e. copy of fixed utility bill, bank statement, etc) if current postal address differs from the national identity card or identification document
Deposit liabilities have been insured with the Sri Lanka Deposit Insurance Scheme implemented by the Monetary Board on payment of applicable premium for compensation up to a maximum of Rs. 1,100,000 per depositor. - https://www.cbsl.gov.lk/en/sri-lanka-deposit-insurance-scheme